Oct 14, 2017

Kenya private school attack leaves six dead

At least 5 students and a watcher are shot and killed in an exceedingly dawn attack at a lyceum in northern African nation.

The attack was allegedly LED by a former student WHO had been suspended, the school's head aforementioned.

He is defendant of returning to dormitories at the college in Lokichogio on Saturday with 2 accomplices.

As well as killing six individuals, witnesses say they raped 2 women and harmed another eighteen students.

According to the pinnacle teacher, the boy - aforementioned to be from near South Sudan - had fought with another pupil, resulting in his suspension.

He came to seek out the boy, however he wasn't at the AIC Lokichogio lyceum at the time.

Turkana County Commissioner Seif Matata told Kenya's Daily Nation newspaper that the suspect "was detected telling fellow students that he's about to burn the college or he can come and retaliate attributable to the suspension".

The African nation NGO says they need exhausted the harmed.

Source: BBC

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